
In Stroscot values are defined to be expressions that are in normal form (strongly reduced), i.e. they evaluate to themselves. WHNF is not sufficient to ensure a value, e.g. [1,undefined] reduces to undefined hence is not a value. Traditionally a function is only defined on values, but lazy evaluation allows functions to produce useful behavior for non-values as well.

Values are immutable (as Rich Hickey says) and have notions of equality, hashing, literal syntax, and deconstruction. In terms of memory management values can be copied freely, and discarded if they are no longer needed.

For convenience, “value” really describes the equivalence class of expressions that reduce to a value. In particular here we describes values by their concise syntactic form. These syntactic forms typically are reducible terms, rather than normal forms - usually they reduce to a value of the compiler’s preferred data structure implementation. Programs may define the syntax here to other values.


Symbols or identifiers are unique values. Bare symbols can be either ordinary or extended, vaguely like Raku. However symbols defined in modules are qualified to that module, hence more specific.

@"a long symbol"


An ordinary identifier matches the pattern alphanum (alphanum|((apostrophe|hyphen)alphanum))*, i.e. a sequence of digits/letters/underscores and isolated/embedded apostrophes or hyphens.

“Alphabetic” means Unicode General Category value Letter (L), and the underscore _. “Numeric” includes characters with the Unicode General Categories value Number and Decimal Digit (Nd).

Case is significant, thus foo, Foo, and FOO are distinct identifiers.


Extended symbols use an escape sequence to allow more freedom. They have the form @"sym str" (from Zig), which allows spaces etc. following the syntax for a string. An extended symbol matches a corresponding ordinary symbol if that form exists, i.e. null == @"null".

In addition parsing rules for operator symbols may be suppressed with parentheses. For example (+) is equivalent to @"+". There is also the empty parentheses symbol (), called “unit”.


A qualified symbol is a bare symbol together with a module reference. A literal looks like qsym <module> sym123. Normally you use the period operator . and write module.sym, but the period operator is a function not a constructor.

Examples of qualified symbols include the predefined symbols of the prelude, like null, true, and false - the latter two forming the boolean type.

It is key to support side-by-side execution of multiple versions of the same functionality. So the module part of a qualified name includes a version number and a cryptographic hash.


Identifiers can be qualified by periods: a.b.c. . is an infix left-associative operator that binds tighter than juxtaposition. This gets resolved to a nondeterministic set of qualified names.


A term is a symbol applied to other values.

tree (combine (leaf 1 2) (leaf 1 2))
(++++) a b
(*) (some (weird thing)) 12

Note that if there is an appropriate syntax rule the second example could also be written as a ++++ b, but it would be an equivalent value.

Terms subsume algebraic data types, since an ADT value is also a symbol applied to other values. An ADT is a “free” term that has no reduction rules defined, or conversely a term is an “untyped” ADT data constructor with no restrictions on its arguments.

Term application also includes the other function syntax - keyword arguments, implicit arguments, and so on. This argument syntax is not usually reduced away, so is part of the term’s value.


A list represents an ordered sequence of values that is empty or finite, but not infinite (only terms can be infinite).

Basic list syntax is the usual syntactic sugar for list values.

[] // empty list
arr = [a, b, c]

arr translates to a Lisp-like term list a b c, making use of the term syntax’s capability to take variadic arguments. Heterogeneous lists are possible, list 1 "x" (int32 3).

Haskell’s cons operator is abandoned in favor of concatenation:

xs ++ ys // concatenation
[x] ++ xs // list with head element ``x`` and tail list ``xs``, like cons

++ is just a symbol, so you can write [1] ++ 2 for example, i.e. the term (++) (list 1) 2.

A list has push and pop operations from head and tail so can be used as a stack, queue, or double-ended queue (dequeue).


In Stroscot tuple is synonymous with list - they’re both immutable. There’s not a different type with different semantics like in Python or Pure. You can use the tuple syntax (a,b) in place of list syntax [a,b] whenever convenient.


(Immutable) arrays are lists together with an indexing scheme. The indexing scheme specifies the length of the list and how index values map to integer indexes of the list. For example array (range_inclusive 1 3) [1,2,3] defines a 1-based array where arr[i] = i. Maybe there is also an element type, typed_array int32 (range_inclusive 1 3) [1,2,3]

Mutable arrays are a reference pointing to an immutable array. Operations are optimized by the memory system, so it does in-place operations where possible but can still resize the array. Conceptually you are doing (read arr)[0] to get the first element, i.e. taking an immutable snapshot and then reading/modifying it. This is hidden normally because arr[0] and arr[0] := 1 are overloaded to read/write mutable arrays.

There is also an array of mutable cells (bytes), similar to C pointers / arrays. You can do something like readOffset Int 0 ptr. You can read a different type than you wrote, and it doesn’t have to be aligned (although aligned accesses may be faster depending on architecture). This type is useful for low-level munging but mutable arrays are probably safer.

[TS85] page 73 says that “allowing the size of arrays to be decided at run time […] introduces considerable implementation problems and interferes with compile-time error checking. This feature may be of only limited value in certain applications areas.” But Stroscot is based on an interpeter model - so the only time the size of an array could be decided is at run-time. Most languages these days have dynamically-sized arrays.


Tensors are just nested lists, e.g. here is a (3,2,5)-sized rank 3 tensor:

[[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
  [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]],
 [[10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
  [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]],
 [[20, 21, 22, 23, 24],
  [25, 26, 27, 28, 29]]]

If you want to save a bit of bracket typing you can use reshape on a flat list:

reshape (3,2,5)
  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
   5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
   10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
   15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
   20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
   25, 26, 27, 28, 29]

Or similarly use a 3D array:

array (range 0 3, range 0 2, range 0 5) [0,1,2,...,29]

There is also a matrix DSL which turns semicolons into rows.

matrix [1,2;3,4]
# [[1,2],[3,4]]


A string is a sequence of bytes of a given length. Subtypes include null-terminated strings like C and UTF-8 encoded strings.

"Hello world!\n"
``Hello user ${id}``
[Enclosed text]
""" multiline

Double and single quotes are both supported, as well as a multi-line syntax. Escape sequences are defined:

\newline Backslash and newline ignored
\\ Backslash (\)
\' Single quote (')
\" Double quote (")

\a ASCII Bell (BEL)
\b ASCII Backspace (BS)
\f ASCII Formfeed (FF)
\n ASCII Linefeed (LF)
\r ASCII Carriage Return (CR)
\t ASCII Horizontal Tab (TAB)
\v ASCII Vertical Tab (VT)

\0 null byte
\ooo Byte with octal value ooo
\xhh Byte with hex value hh
\N{name} Codepoint with name, abbreviation or alias 'name' in the Unicode database
\nnnn Codepoint with decimal value nnnn. The maximum value of a codepoint is 1114111.
\uxxxx Codepoint with hex value xxxx. The maximum value is hexadecimal 10ffff.
\& Backslash and ampersand ignored. The purpose of this escape sequence is to make it possible to write a numeric escape followed immediately by a regular ASCII digit.
\^[@A-Z[\\]^_] caret control code notation (does anyone use?)

There is also a binary/hex literal syntax to abbreviate \xAA\xBB\xCC as 0xAABBCC: We allow various base prefixes - 0x (hexadecimal), 0o (octal), 0d (decimal) and 0b (binary). The decimal base expands to the shortest binary string that can contain that decimal. So for example 0d6 = 0b110 = bits [1,1,0].

base = 0[a-z]
digit = [0-9a-fA-F_]

data = base digit+


There is no explicit syntax for characters, instead a character is a Unicode string containing exactly one grapheme cluster. Unicode provides an algorithm for identifying grapheme clusters in UAX #29. The main notable feature of the algorithm is that a grapheme cluster / character is not just a single Unicode code point and may be arbitrarily long due to the use of combining characters/accents and ZWJs. For example, “G” + grave-accent is a character represented by two Unicode code points, and emojis similarly have lots of code points, as does Zalgo text. Hence a character is in general an arbitrary length sequence of codepoints and it is simplest and most correct to define a character as a type of string.


Most data in a computer simply sits in storage and has no easily accessible interpretation. It is simply a sequence of bits. As such Stroscot provides bitvector values to represent binary data.

The normal form of a bitvector is just the symbol bits applied to a list of bits, bits [1,0,1]. The symbol marks that the list should be stored compactly.

A more compact way to write a bitvector is via a string bits "abcd\x0F". This syntax uses UTF-8 characters and hexadecimal escapes, but is limited to expressing bitvectors whose length is a multiple of 8.


Date/time values are written using symbols applied to strings, lists, or records using ISO 8601 style formats, e.g. instant "2011-12-03T10:15:30.999999999Z", gregorianDate [2010,12,03], or time { hour = 10, minute = 10, second = 12.3 }. This hides all internal representation details. Internally there is a more compact form, e.g. a 128-bit number.


Records are like C structs or Python dictionaries. The order of the fields is remembered, so this data type is a list of key-value pairs.

rec = {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}
rec.a # 1
rec[a] # 1
{a = x} = rec # x = 1
{a,b} = rec # a = 1, b = 2
# record update
rec // {b=4, d = 4}
  # {a = 1, b = 4, c = 3, d = 5}

Once you get to four values, it is best to make a record with named entries instead of using a tuple.


Maps are the same as records except the fields are not ordered (set of pairs).

map {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}


A multimap is a map where the values are nonempty bags.

multimap {a = 1, a = 1, b = 2, c = 2, c = 3}
-- same as
map {a = bag [1,1], b = bag [2], c = bag [2,3]}


Sets are the mathematical definition, i.e. a function isElemOf : Any -> {Present|Absent}. They may be specified by logical formulas. Finite sets may be specified as lists with no repeated values, similar to a map whose values are all the symbol Present.

universalSet = set (\_ -> Present)
a = set [1,2,3]
-- equivalent to
b = map { 1 = Present, 2 = Present, 3 = Present }
a = set (\x -> lookup {default=Absent} b x)

More notation for sets is discussed on the Sets page.


Bags are unordered multisets, similar to a map whose values are nonnegative integers.

bag [1,1,2,3]

Priority queue

This is a bag plus an ordering operation.


Lambdas are first-class and hence values. Equality is determined by alpha beta eta equality (i.e., beta reduce to normal form, eta reduce, and compare modulo alpha equivalence).


Modules are also first class, they are discussed in their own page.

Infinite values

Sometimes it is useful to deal with values that are solutions to a system of equations, like let x=cons 1 x in x. These are also values. For terms with no reduction rules, there is a way to compute the (unique) minimal graph representation, where loops in the graph represent infinite cyclic repetitions. There are also infinitely reducible expressions, e.g. let fib x y = cons x (fib y (x+y)) in fib 0 1 requires infinitely many reductions to reduce to an infinite normal form (infinite list value).

Rewriting system

A rewriting system consists of a set of rewrite rules. They are defined over a fixed abstract rewriting system called the “substitution calculus” consisting of the proofs from Stroscot’s core logic, where reduction is cut elimination. Free variables etc. are incorporated by extending the Use rule. Terms are representatives of equivalence classes of proofs under <->* of the substitution calculus. Contexts are similarly representatives of precontexts.

A (conditional) rewrite rule has the form l -> r | C1, ..., Cn where l and r are both terms. The conditions take the form of predicates Pi(x1, ..., xm, ->), where the xi are the free variables of l and r, and -> is the rewrite relation of the system. An unconditional rewrite rule l -> r is one where the conditions Ci are always true. Example predicates are:

  • type predicates, term must be of a certain form

  • a joins with, rewrites to, or is convertible to b

A term M rewrites to a term N by a rewrite rule l -> r | Ci if, for some context C with one hole, and substitution σ, the propositions M <->* C[l /. σ], C[r /. σ] <->* N, and Ci /. σ all hold, where C[l] means C with the hole substituted by l, and <->* is the relation of the substitution calculus.


Pointers are just a wrapper for particular bit patterns (integers), like pointer 0xdeadbeef. You can do integer arithmetic and turn it into a pointer, but at least on x86-64 not all 64-bit integers are valid pointers.


References are like pointers but use symbols instead of integers, we’ll go with Ref r123 for syntax where r123 is a symbol. The main difference from a pointer is that you can’t do arithmetic on symbols. Most symbols are autogenerated inside the reference creation operation ref, but you can also write reference values directly. This is mainly for convenience in debugging at the REPL, since fixed symbols are tantamount to global variables and hence are bad programming practice.

Postfix ++ and – are statements

Data Structures

    Bit array
    Bit field
    Circular buffer
    Control table
    Dope vector
    Dynamic array
    Gap buffer
    Hashed array tree
    Lookup table
    Parallel array
    Sorted array
    Sparse matrix
    Iliffe vector
    Variable-length array


    Singly/Circular/Doubly Linked list
    Array list
    Association list
    Self-organizing list
    Skip list
    Unrolled linked list
    Conc-tree list
    Xor linked list
    Doubly connected edge list also known as half-edge
    Difference list
    Free list

  Binary trees
    AA tree
    AVL tree
    Binary search tree
    Binary tree
    Cartesian tree
    Conc-tree list
    Left-child right-sibling binary tree
    Order statistic tree
    Randomized binary search tree
    Red–black tree
    Scapegoat tree
    Self-balancing binary search tree
    Splay tree
    Tango tree
    Threaded binary tree
    Top tree
    WAVL tree
    Weight-balanced tree
    B+ tree
    Dancing tree
    2–3 tree
    2–3–4 tree
    Fusion tree
    Binary heap
    Weak heap
    Binomial heap
    Fibonacci heap
    Leonardo heap
    2–3 heap
    Soft heap
    Pairing heap
    Leftist heap
    Skew heap
    Ternary heap
    D-ary heap
    Brodal queue
  Bit-slice trees - each tree node compares a bit slice of key values.
    Radix tree (compressed trie), Patricia tree
    Bitwise trie with bitmap
    Suffix tree
    Suffix array
    Compressed suffix array
    Generalised suffix tree
    Judy array
    X-fast trie
    Y-fast trie
    Merkle tree
  Multi-way trees
    Ternary tree
    Ternary search tree
    K-ary tree
    And–or tree
    Link/cut tree
    Spaghetti stack
    Disjoint-set data structure (Union-find data structure)
    Fusion tree
    Exponential tree
    Fenwick tree
    Van Emde Boas tree
    Rose tree
  Space-partitioning trees
    Segment tree
    Interval tree
    Range tree
    K-d tree
    Implicit k-d tree
    Min/max k-d tree
    Relaxed k-d tree
    Adaptive k-d tree
    Linear octree
    R+ tree
    R* tree
    Hilbert R-tree
    Metric tree
    Cover tree
    Bounding interval hierarchy
    Bounding volume hierarchy
    BSP tree
    Rapidly exploring random tree
  Application-specific trees
    Abstract syntax tree
    Parse tree
    Decision tree
    Alternating decision tree
    Minimax tree
    Expectiminimax tree
    Finger tree
    Expression tree
    Log-structured merge-tree

Hash-based structures

    Bloom filter
    Count–min sketch
    Distributed hash table
    Double hashing
    Dynamic perfect hash table
    Hash array mapped trie
    Hash list
    Hash table
    Hash tree
    Hash trie
    Prefix hash tree
    Rolling hash
    Quotient filter

    Adjacency list
    Adjacency matrix
    Graph-structured stack
    Scene graph
    Decision tree
        Binary decision diagram
    Zero-suppressed decision diagram
    And-inverter graph
    Directed graph
    Directed acyclic graph
    Propositional directed acyclic graph


    Winged edge
    Routing table
    Symbol table
    Piece table